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infrastruktur:server:gallifrey [12.08.2021 18:46] Malteinfrastruktur:server:gallifrey [15.10.2022 16:05] (aktuell) Lukas Ruge
Zeile 171: Zeile 171:
 Gallifrey is a fictional planet in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It is the original home world of the Time Lords, the civilisation to which the main protagonist, the Doctor belongs. It is located in a binary star system 250 million light years from Earth. [[]] Gallifrey is a fictional planet in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It is the original home world of the Time Lords, the civilisation to which the main protagonist, the Doctor belongs. It is located in a binary star system 250 million light years from Earth. [[]]
-{{tag>infrasystem server}}+{{tag>server inactive}}
infrastruktur/server/gallifrey.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 15.10.2022 16:05 von Lukas Ruge