Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!
$ apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade $ apt-get install unattended-upgrades apt-listchanges
echo 'Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "true";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/52unattended-upgrades-local echo 'Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot-Time "03:42";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/52unattended-upgrades-local
nft add table inet filter nft add chain inet filter input { type filter hook input priority 0\; policy accept\; } nft add chain inet filter output { type filter hook output priority 0\; policy accept\; } nft add chain inet filter forward { type filter hook forward priority 0\; policy drop\; } nft add rule inet filter forward iifname "dn42_*" oifname "dn42_*" accept nft add rule inet filter forward iifname "eth0" oifname "dn42_*" accept nft add rule inet filter forward iifname "dn42_*" oifname "eth0" ct state established,related accept nft add rule inet filter forward counter reject
Testen, dann persistent machen:
mv /etc/nftables.conf /etc/nftables.conf.bak echo '#!/usr/sbin/nft -f' > /etc/nftables.conf echo '' >> /etc/nftables.conf echo 'flush ruleset' >> /etc/nftables.conf echo '' >> /etc/nftables.conf nft -s list ruleset >> /etc/nftables.conf systemctl enable nftables.service systemctl start nftables.service
$ apt-get install bird2 $ mv bird.conf bird.conf.bak
hauptsächlich von hier kopiert:
################################################ # Variable header # ################################################ define OWNAS = 4242421976; define OWNIP =; define OWNIPv6 = fd20:bdda:5df0::8; define OWNNET =; define OWNNETv6 = fd20:bdda:5df0::/48; define OWNNETSET = []; define OWNNETSETv6 = [fd20:bdda:5df0::/48+]; ################################################ # Header end # ################################################ router id OWNIP; protocol device { scan time 10; } /* * Utility functions */ function is_self_net() { return net ~ OWNNETSET; } function is_self_net_v6() { return net ~ OWNNETSETv6; } function is_valid_network() { return net ~ [{21,29}, # dn42{28,32}, # dn42 Anycast{28,32}, # dn42 Anycast{28,32}, # dn42 Anycast{28,32}, # dn42 Anycast, # ChaosVPN, # ChaosVPN{16,32}, # neonetwork{15,24} # ]; } roa4 table dn42_roa; roa6 table dn42_roa_v6; protocol static { roa4 { table dn42_roa; }; include "/etc/bird/roa_dn42.conf"; }; protocol static { roa6 { table dn42_roa_v6; }; include "/etc/bird/roa_dn42_v6.conf"; }; function is_valid_network_v6() { return net ~ [ fd00::/8{44,64} # ULA address space as per RFC 4193 ]; } protocol kernel { scan time 20; ipv6 { import none; export filter { if source = RTS_STATIC then reject; krt_prefsrc = OWNIPv6; accept; }; }; }; protocol kernel { scan time 20; ipv4 { import none; export filter { if source = RTS_STATIC then reject; krt_prefsrc = OWNIP; accept; }; }; } protocol static { route OWNNET reject; ipv4 { import all; export none; }; } protocol static { route OWNNETv6 reject; ipv6 { import all; export none; }; } protocol bgp ROUTE_COLLECTOR { local as OWNAS; neighbor fd42:4242:2601:ac12::1 as 4242422602; # enable multihop as the collector is not locally connected multihop; ipv4 { # export all available paths to the collector add paths tx; # import/export filters import none; export filter { # export all valid routes if ( is_valid_network() && source ~ [ RTS_STATIC, RTS_BGP ] ) then { accept; } reject; }; }; ipv6 { # export all available paths to the collector add paths tx; # import/export filters import none; export filter { # export all valid routes if ( is_valid_network_v6() && source ~ [ RTS_STATIC, RTS_BGP ] ) then { accept; } reject; }; }; } template bgp dnpeers { local as OWNAS; path metric 1; ipv4 { import filter { if is_valid_network() && !is_self_net() then { if (roa_check(dn42_roa, net, bgp_path.last) != ROA_VALID) then { print "[dn42] ROA check failed for ", net, " ASN ", bgp_path.last; reject; } else accept; } else reject; }; export filter { if is_valid_network() && source ~ [RTS_STATIC, RTS_BGP] then accept; else reject; }; import limit 1000 action block; }; ipv6 { import filter { if is_valid_network_v6() && !is_self_net_v6() then { if (roa_check(dn42_roa_v6, net, bgp_path.last) != ROA_VALID) then { print "[dn42] ROA check failed for ", net, " ASN ", bgp_path.last; reject; } else accept; } else reject; }; export filter { if is_valid_network_v6() && source ~ [RTS_STATIC, RTS_BGP] then accept; else reject; }; import limit 1000 action block; }; } include "/etc/bird/peers/*";
$ apt-get install --no-install-recommends wireguard-tools
$ cd /etc/systemd/network/ $ PEERNAME=replaceexamplepeer $ PEERASN=replaceexapmlepeerasn $ PEERIP4=... $ PEERIP6=... $ sh -c "umask 066; touch dn42-$PEERNAME-wg.key; chown systemd-network:systemd-network dn42-$PEERNAME-wg.key" $ wg genkey | tee -a dn42-$PEERNAME-wg.key | wg pubkey > dn42-$
$ cat << EOF > dn42-${PEERNAME}-wg.netdev [NetDev] Name=dn42_${PEERNAME}_wg Kind=wireguard Description=DN42 ${PEERNAME} WG tunnel MTUBytes=1392 [WireGuard] ListenPort=$(for i in `seq 2300 2399`; do grep -q "^ListenPort=$i\$" dn42-*.netdev && continue; echo "$i"; break; done) PrivateKeyFile=/etc/systemd/network/dn42-${PEERNAME}-wg.key [WireGuardPeer] #PublicKey= #Endpoint= AllowedIPs=fe80::/64 AllowedIPs=fd00::/8 AllowedIPs= AllowedIPs= EOF
$ cat << EOF > dn42-${PEERNAME} [Match] Name=dn42_${PEERNAME}_wg [Network] DHCP=no IPv6AcceptRA=false IPForward=yes # for networkd >= 244 KeepConfiguration stops networkd from # removing routes on this interface when restarting KeepConfiguration=yes [Address] Address=fe80::1976/64 [Address] Address=172.20.240.$(for i in `seq 0 255`; do grep -q "^Address=172\.20\.240\.$i/32\$" dn42-*.network && continue; echo "$i"; break; done)/32 #Peer= EOF
`PublicKey`, `Endpoint` und `Peer` mit den Werten der Gegenseite updaten. Dann `networkctl reload` aufrufen.
$ cat << EOF > /etc/bird/peers/dn42-${PEERNAME}.conf protocol bgp dn42_${PEERNAME} from dnpeers { neighbor ${PEERIP4} as ${PEERASN}; } protocol bgp dn42_${PEERNAME}_v6 from dnpeers { neighbor ${PEERIP6}%dn42_${PEERNAME}_wg as ${PEERASN}; }